資料庫預設搜尋會 row by row 直到找到目標為止,當有很多筆資料時(很多 rows ),且想搜尋的結果只有少數幾筆時,這是非常沒有效率的做法。Index 的概念可以在書本的目錄看到,目錄分了章節,如此一來想找某個特定主題時,不用一頁頁去翻,可以透過目錄來找到想要的主題。
一旦 index 建立後,系統會自動維護它,資料庫會根據 query 來判斷使用 index 是否會讓搜尋更有效率。Index 可以幫助 UPDATE
(with conditions) 更有效率。建立 Index 需要一段時間,建立期間可以允許資料庫的讀取,但是寫入動作如 INSERT
則須等到 index 建立完成後才可使用,當然也可以同時建立 index 和進行寫入動作,不過這就是另一個主題了。
建立 index 後系統需要隨時維護它,這會造成系統額外的負擔。所以如果 index 不常用到的話,就移除它吧。
Types of indexes
PostgreSQL 提供了各種類的 B-tree, Hash, GiST, SP-GiST, GIN, BRIN 。每一種都有其適用的情境,預設建立的 index 為 B-tree。
B-tree 可以用來處理相等或範圍比較的搜尋,例如 <
, <=
, =
, >=
, >
, IN
。搜尋優化器在下列情況會優先使用 B-tree,
col LIKE 'foo%'
orcol ~ '^foo'
(notcol LIKE '%foo'
Hash index 只能用來處理相等的搜尋,不太建議使用。
GiST, SP-Gist
適合用來處理二維地理平面的資料,如 SELECT * FROM places ORDER BY location <-> point '(101, 456)' LIMIT 10;
適合用來處理陣列 (Array) 資料
BRIN (Block Range Index)
適合用來處理範圍區間的搜尋,像是某個期間的訂單。相較於 B-tree, BRIN 佔用的資料量較少,
Multicolumn Index
將多個 column 組合起來成為 index
現有 INDEX(a, b), 下列搜尋資料庫會如何使用?
- SELECT * FROM user WHERE a=0 AND b=0;
- SELECT * FROM user WHERE a=0 OR b=0;
- SELECT * FROM user WHERE a>0 AND b=0;
- SELECT * FROM user WHERE a=0 AND b>0;
Isolation levels
read committed dirty read dirty write alice/bob car/invoice, early write has not yet committed but later write overwrite an uncommitted value
snapshot isolation / repeatable read nonrepeatable read/read skew, balance 500/500, transfer 600/400 problem for temporary inconsistency: backup, analytic query and integrity check (long-running read-only query) multi-version concurrency control (MVCC)
lost update, 2 concurrent counter increments,
- explicit locking
- auto detection
- compare and set (not work when reading from old snapshot)
write skew, read the same objects then update some of those objects doctor shifts at least one onc all
phantom: write in one transaction changes the result of a search query in another transaction
- serial execution
- 2 phase locking, index-range lock or next-key locking
- serializable snapshot isolation pessimistic vs optimistic concurrency control
Rate limit
- token bucket(bucket size, refill rate)
- leaking bucket(bucket size, outflow rate)
- fixed window counter
- sliding window log
- sliding window counter
Hash tree or Merkle tree every non-leaf node is labeled with the hash of the labels or values (in case of leaves) of its children nodes. Hash trees allow efficient and secure verification of the contents of large data structures.
bloom filter, possible in set or definitely not in set