There are many tools to help debug. This post describes the process I solve a bug in grape, #1788. git blame, git log, git diff, gitk are commands I used in the process, and those commands help me familiar with the history of the codebase.


  1. Confirm the bug
  2. Figure out where cause the bug
  3. Figure out the cause and fix it

Confirm the bug

The first thing should be done is to write a failing test for the bug. Write expected behavior for the bug and report the actual behavior. In the process, you can confirm it is a bug or it is just a coding mistake. The test also let others easier to reproduce and help to solve the bug.

bundle exec rspec spec/grape/api/routes_with_requirements_spec.rb


  1) Grape::Endpoint get routes to namespace and path params with dots, with merged requirements
     Failure/Error: expect(last_response.status).to eq 200

       expected: 200
            got: 404

       (compared using ==)
     # ./spec/grape/api/routes_with_requirements_spec.rb:55:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Figure out where cause the bug

The next step is to locate where cause the bug. Use the debug tool to trace the flow of the code. byebug or pry-byebug are helpful to do this. Guess the possible location and make a break point to see whether the data in every method call is correct. The process help you familiar with the codebase.

bundle exec rspec spec/grape/api/routes_with_requirements_spec.rb:55

From: /Users/darren/Desktop/grape/lib/grape/endpoint.rb @ line 204 Grape::Endpoint#merge_route_options:

    202: def merge_route_options(**default)
    203:   binding.pry
 => 204:   options[:route_options].clone.reverse_merge(**default)
    205: end

[1] pry(#<#<Class:0x00007fad19d0f598>>)> options[:route_options].clone.reverse_merge(**default)
=> {:namespace=>"/:ns_with_dots",
 :requirements=>{:another_id_with_dots=>/[^\/]+/}, # should be {:ns_with_dots=>/[^\/]+/, :another_id_with_dots=>/[^\/]+/}

Through the debug tool, I found the bug is in the method merge_route_options. The method should return requirements => {:ns_with_dots=>/[^\/]+/, :another_id_with_dots=>/[^\/]+/}, but it doesn’t. I found it is not reasonable to use reverse_merge here, since **default has the correct requirements and options[:route_options].clone.reverse_merge results in wrong requirements.

Figure out the cause and fix it

To figure out why reverse_merge here, use git blame and find the commit makes the change.

git blame -L 202,204 lib/grape/endpoint.rb

220c345d (namusyaka   2016-09-14 04:15:05 +0900 202)     def merge_route_options(**default)
220c345d (namusyaka   2016-09-14 04:15:05 +0900 203)       options[:route_options].clone.reverse_merge(**default)
24b20d9a (Manu Campos 2014-09-28 18:48:27 +0200 204)     end

The last change to reverse_merge is in commit 220c345d by namusyaka. Use git log and git diff to find the reason for the code changes.

git log 220c345d

commit 220c345dff9602e431ac780abcb98dbb24293395
Author: namusyaka <>
Date:   Wed Sep 14 04:15:05 2016 +0900

    Switch to Ruby-2.x+ syntax (#1490)

git diff 220c345d\^ 220c345d lib/grape/endpoint.rb

diff --git a/lib/grape/endpoint.rb b/lib/grape/endpoint.rb
index 47b1544..e95663e 100644
--- a/lib/grape/endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/grape/endpoint.rb
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ module Grape
       version.length == 1 ? version.first.to_s : version

-    def merge_route_options(default = {})
-      options[:route_options].clone.reverse_merge(default)
+    def merge_route_options(**default)
+      options[:route_options].clone.reverse_merge(**default)

There is also a built-in GUI tool gitk to browse the changes.

gitk 220c345d -- lib/grape/endpoint.rb

The last commit didn’t do changes to reverse_merge. It was changed by another commit. Use git log or gitk to find the commit.

git log -L 166,204:lib/grape/endpoint.rb
gitk -L166,204:lib/grape/endpoint.rb

-L options means the line number of the file. The command means: find all the commits that made changes to line from 166 to 204 in file lib/grape/endpoint.rb.

Finally, in commit 9f4ba67, it made the change from merge to reverse_merge. It makes no sense and there is no reason why to do the change. I try to fix it back to use merge and all test pass. With the test result, I have confident to conclude it as a mistake and the fix is correct. Detail can be found in #1788.
