Some system designs I have did:

Page view system

When user enter website page, we call API to increment page view count. I first increment count to redis, then sync the amount to the SQL database periodically. That avoids frequently UPDATE in SQL database, which would block the record. Since redis has atomic INCR command, we won’t encounter race condition.

I store diff page view count in redis instead of total count. If redis crash and the page view data loss, only part of page view would loss.

Message system

User 1 has read message 1 at 2018/01/01 10:00:00 express as:

message.read_mark = { 1 => '2018-01-01 10:00:00' }

participants in conversation 1:

SELECT users.*
FROM conversation_users
WHERE conversation_users.conversation_id = 1

messages in conversation 1:

SELECT messages.*
FROM messages
WHERE conversation_id = 1

messages in conversation 1 unread by user 1

SELECT messages.*
FROM messages
WHERE conversation_id = 1 AND (read_status -> 1) IS NULL
